2nd Merit List-BS Nursing
The selected students are directed to report to the Admission Office of NCS University System Peshawar.
The last date of fee submission is Friday, January 08, 2021 before 03:00 pm.
BS Nursing- 1st Merit list!
Congratulations to all selected students!
The selected students are directed to report to the Admission Office of NCS University System, Peshawar in office working hours (08:30 am-04:00pm).
The last day of fee submission is Tuesday, January 05, 2021.
Students Alert!
1. All Students of NCS University System, Peshawar are hereby directed to ensure their attendence in online classes as per their schedule timetables.
2. Those who failed to maintain 75% attendence shall be disallowed to take their upcoming examinations and in case of regular absence from online classes, appropriate disciplinary action including struck off from University roll shall be initiated.
Supervised Clinical Rotation of BS Radiology students of NCS University System at MMC General Hospital, Peshawar under the supervision of qualified and experienced faculty.
Productivity and Quality go hand in hand at NCS University System!
A Grand farewell party was organized under the Recreational Society of NCS BIRDSS in the honor of students graduated from NCS.
It was a well organized and a well attended gathering of NCS family, wherein management, faculty, staff, students and passed-out students participated.
At the end, souvenirs were distributed by the honorable Chairman, Director Campus and Director HR among the participants of the gathering!
We wish good luck to our graduates!
World Radiography Day
World Radiography Day is celebrated on 8th November each year. The date marks the anniversary of the discovery of x-radiation by Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895.
Radiographers worldwide can use the day and the days around the date to promote radiography as a career, as a vital contribution to modern healthcare, and as an opportunity to increase public awareness of diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy.
On this Important day NCS university system also contributed its part to deliver special attention and to give this importance to department by taking part in the Radiology awareness walk with Radiological Society of Pakistan (RSP).
Students and Faculty of NCS Radiology Department took participation in walk and celebrated the world Radiology day.
Cake Cutting ceremony was also held with collaboration of all institutions like RMI and Northwest , NCS university system is playing an major Role for promoting Radiology and its importance in Healthcare , Educating new Allied Healthcare professionals and promoting awareness in public sector.